
Hello everyone!

Well, let's start normal diary tonight :D
I just thought that I wrote a year-ago story isn't good enough if I don't write this entry, I meant my nowadays live. 

So, today I've tried to find any Indonesia postcards and found none :( 

I want to make friends and get connected with my foreign friends. That's why I really want to find Indonesia postcards. At least this activity gonna help me through the semester holiday.

How does Indonesian postcard look like?
I think Indonesian postcard has to have Indonesia culture, heritage, Indonesian people, dance and traditional clothes or landscape picture which represents Indonesia to global society.

About the postcard I'll find it somewhere else or,
Should I make postcard by myself anyway? :D


  1. AZEEEEEEEEEEEEE,,aku ikut ya nemenin,,semoga ya cepet dapet tu kartu post,,aku doain deh

  2. oke oke, thanks ya :)

  3. susah nya nyari kartu pos di indonesia, apalagi di lampung... saya juga nyari nyari tapi di kantor pos malah ada yang seribuan dapat empat, kertasnya jelek. di gramedia nggak ada. akhirnya saya pesan online atau buat handmade. :)

    1. Oalah!Saya kira cuma di sini doang yang susah nyari kartu pos mbak XD

      Patut dicoba nih yang handmade, jadi semangat buat post-crossing :D


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