Liburan Kelas [Trombosit on Vacation]

March 5th, 2011
Yap, we did it!

Jalan-jalan kelas ke pantai Nongsa bareng tromboers dan wali kelas kami. Walaupun nggak semua bisa ikut, acara ini seru banget. Pertama kita ngumpul di kantin sekolah. Terus menuju pantai. Perjalanan dari sekolah ke pantainya kurang lebih 15 menit. Well, just check these pictures :

On the way ke pantai. I took this picture from Rocky's car :)

Rencananya bakal berangkat jam 9 am. Tapi tetep aja ngaret. One of our  traditions, ngaret

Yeah, We are comiiing
Let's say hello to the beach and the sunshine :D

Pak Har and Hanum, his daughter.
He such as a great father !

Kyaaa, she is so cute :3

Teman-teman pada ke pulau Putri
Sri, Wigati, and Me stay @beach -__-

Wigati is not really well, so we take care of her, cepet sembuh ya Wigati !

They came from Putri island *princess island[?], nah
I guess they're tired
so, they lie down

They are singing, right?

Playing volleyball, it was fun anyway 

Acara cebur-cebur
Tiwiiii, liatlah siapa pelakunya, liatttt ! hehehe

Puji ngapain puj? *she is smiling
I think you are exciting about cebur-cebur, haha

Kata siapa ya?
Habis nyeburin orang lariiiii :D

They are totally wet !
How does it feel, girls ?

Kena deh, hehe :D
Good job, Pungky !

Again, taking picture with no complete class members,
we have to take a picture with complete class members someday 



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